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2 Week Plan (Dec 13 – Jan 7)

This is a blog post about my goals and accomplishments over the past two weeks. #1 – My first goal was to finish the final draft of my piece, so it’s ready to be workshopped. I did do that and I never mentioned this in any of my plans, but I added dynamics to the…

Start Your Journey

This is a blog post about a global issue I care about that I want to bring light to in the world. A global issue that I want to learn more about is the mistreatment and discrimination against minorities of minorities, specifically members of the LGBTQ+ community. Although I’ve come out to a few people,…

2 Week Plan (Nov 29 – Dec 10) 

This is a blog about my goals and accomplishments have been over the past two weeks. #1 – My first goal was to finish a final rough draft of my song. I was able to do that over the two weeks and my evidence is a screenshot of the MuseScore document at the end of…

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